Saturday, June 27, 2020

Fancy Film Fellows Ep. 65 Now & Then #1: 1999 Favorites

For the rest of 2020 the Fancy Film Fellows will be have multiple episodes dedicated to the year 1999, often considered one of the best years in cinema history and definitely an important one to our own teenage cinephile development. For the first episode Reuben, Patrick & Ilya talk about their favorite movies from 1999 back in 1999, and compare them to their favorite movies from 1999 and how those choices reflect the way their taste has changed over the last 20 years.

Ilya’s Old Favorite: Go (1999, Doug Liman)
Reuben’s Old Favorite: Being John Malkovich (1999, Spike Jonze)
Patrick’s Old Favorite: Mystery Men (1999, Kinka Usher)

Ilya’s New Favorite: The Matrix (1999, Lana & Lilly Wachowski)
Reuben’s New Favorite: The Straight Story (1999, David Lynch)
Patrick’s New Favorite: The Iron Giant (1999, Brad Bird)

Fancy Film Fellows Ep. 65 Now & Then #1: 1999 Favorites

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Fancy Film Fellows Ep. 63 The Spit Ball #4: Copaganda

The Core Four return for the first time in a while to discuss the on-going anti-police protests, and how it makes them feel about the movies they love about cops. Can a viewer be anti-police yet pro-police cinema? If all cops are bastards, are all cop movies bastards of cinema?

Wednesday, June 3, 2020